
Pratt SSO Login

Your current (Checked-in) housing assignment:
Term Session:
Room Space: You do not have a checked-in assignment at the moment!

Your upcoming (Reserved) assignment:
Term Session:
Room Space: You do not have a reserved assignment at the moment! Room Type: You do not have a reserved assignment at the moment!


Dates & Deadlines

New First Year - deadline for guaranteed housing is deposit by May 1, and to finish your housing application by June 1. Assignment emails will go out around the first week in July.

New Transfers - Assignment offers start after June 1 and will continue as space permits.

New Graduates - Assignment offers may start as early as April and will continue as long as space permits.

More details on our main website at www.pratt.edu/reslife

Contact our office if you have any questions or issues using our housing portal. (reslife@pratt.edu)